Join our "Jesus Bowl" Community!
Upload Your AUDIO File in Only 60 Seconds!
Question 1 of 5
Is your music submission in the key of C Major (or A minor)?
Yes! (This will allow us to FLOW TOGETHER in the most simple & universal key)
No, it's not in C major or A minor, so it might not flow smoothly with the other musicians in the Jesus Bowl experience.
Question 2 of 5
Is your original music submission 3 minutes or less?
Yes, my original music is 3 minutes or less!
No, unfortunately it is LONGER than 3 minutes.
Question 3 of 5
Is your music submission *simple with 3 or less musical elements (sounds/instruments)?
Yes, it is simple and does NOT contain more than 3 elements!
No, unfortunately it contains MORE than 3 musical elements/instruments.
Question 4 of 5
Please upload your AUDIO file below.
Question 5 of 5
How would you like your Name + Location to appear?
*Optional: Feel free to include *one social media @_____ that you'd like for us to include.